
XU Wei “AIDS film wins Oscar” (Shanghai Daily 27 February 2007)は、香港生まれの中国系米国人Ruby YangのThe Blood of Yingzhou District(『潁州的孩子』)が最優秀短編ドキュメンタリー賞を受賞したという記事。曰く、

Assessing the scant entries associated with China, Academy Award voters were unimpressed with Zhang Yimou’s latest kung fu blockbuster. But they were moved by an exploration of a blood-sale scandal that ravaged Anhui Province villages with AIDS.

The 39-minute documentary film centers on the lives of AIDS orphans in remote villages of Anhui Province. Many of their parents died of AIDS infection from selling their blood and receiving tainted blood in return.
One of the chief subjects of the film, a child named Gao Jun, faces discrimination and rejection from his surviving relatives. He does not speak a word until the closing minutes of the documentary. Little is known about him, not even his age, yet this young AIDS orphan finally reveals his fierce resolve to live.