The Asian Mystique


Sheridan PRASSO*1 The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls & Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient PublicAffairs*2, 2006

The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls, and Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient

The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls, and Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient


Part One The Asian Mystique
The Asian Mystique
Mystery, Sex, Fear, and Desire: A Brief History
Hollywood, Burbank, and the Resulting Imaginings
Matters of Men and Country: The Incredible Lightness of Being Portrayed
“Race-ism,” Fetish, and Fever

Part Two Ten People, Ten Colors
Ten People, Ten Colors
The Real Memoirs of Geisha
The Other Side of Miss Saigon
Glamour of the Skies, Sorority of Service
Who’s Playing Whom
China Doll, Dragon Lady
Power Women

Epilogue: Demand Creates Supply

Selected Bibliography

これと関連しているかどうかわからないが、Ellis Avery*3という人のThe Teahouse Fireという小説が出たという。Todd Shimoda*4という人のレヴュー(CityWeekend 15 February 2007, p.20)によると、”Avery Ellis captures the ritual and detail of Meiji Era Japan as seen through the eyes of Aurelia, an American orphan girl adopted into a family of tea ceremony practitioners and teachers.”だということ。