しかし、中華人民共和国では、印象派というのは建国以来ずっとやばいアートであり続けた。Maria GALIKOWSKI Art and Politics in China 1949-1984, Hongkong, Chinese University Press, 1998*1
Art and Politics in China 1949-1984
- 作者: Maria Galikowski
- 出版社/メーカー: Chinese Univ Pr
- 発売日: 1999/01/01
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- クリック: 14回
- この商品を含むブログ (3件) を見る
Many of the woodcut artists had been heavily influenced by Europeans like Kathe Kollwitz and Frans Masereel and a few had interests in modern western oil painting styles, particularly impressionism. At the same time, the Soviet Union’s adaptation of European academic realism for its own political purposes in the form of Socialist Realism was an idea beginning to gain ground. In 1942, however, most experimentation in purely western art forms came to an end, with Mao’s push for the “sinification of Marxism” and a search for local solution to local problems(pp.35-36).
印象派への敵対は1957年の「百花斉放」運動において一時的に緩和されるが(p.60, pp.63-64)、印象派が公認されるのは1979年以降である(p.229)。
Impressionism was singled out for particular criticism because, of all the modern and contemporary western styles of art, it was, and had been since 1920s, one of the most popular among Chinese artists, and its emphasis on light and colour to the exclusion of all else meant that form took precedence over content, something to which the authorities had always been directly opposed. It was, therefore, dismissed as being essentially a “formalistic method guided by subjectivism”(p.37).
There had long existed official opposition to “formalism”(xingzhi zhuyi), or an overriding emphasis on the formal aspect of the arts, extending back to the Yan’an days. At the same time, impressionism had become the main target of criticism, perceived as it was by the leadership in charge of art as the most significant threat to Mao’s pronouncement at Yan’an Talks that form should be subordinate to content. Subsequently, impressionism had had more negative labels attached to it than any other art genre, including “naturalism” , “aestheticism”, “art for art’s sake”, “opposing tradition”, “pure subjective perception”, “pure objective portrayal”, “opposing realism”, “decadent”, “opposing the people”, and so on. After 1949, only during the Hundred Flowers movement was the question of impressionism briefly re-assessed, receiving rather timid affirmation from a few individuals(ibid.).