

Expert proposes Prince Hisahito be adopted by crown prince

Friday, October 6, 2006 at 05:00 EDT

TOKYO — An expert on imperial issues proposed Thursday that newborn Prince Hisahito be adopted by his uncle Crown Prince Naruhito so he can receive proper training from an early stage in his role as a future emperor.

Although Prince Hisahito is third in line to the imperial throne, it is possible as things stand that he could remain as just "one prince" in a branch family and not gain the status of crown prince for another 50 years, said Isao Tokoro, a Kyoto Sangyo University professor.

"How will Prince Hisahito be able to eventually fulfill his role as emperor" if he has to wait such a long time to become crown prince, Tokoro said, suggesting that the young prince leapfrog his father in the line of succession, given the lower status of the imperial branch families.

He suggested having Prince Hisahito become the nominal adopted son of Crown Prince Naruhito so that he can get the status as crown-prince-in-waiting, but only after it has become certain that the crown prince and his wife Crown Princess Masako will not have a male child.

他人様の家庭の事情なのでコメントは差し控える。ただ、ウヨ的な視点に敢えて立てば、この所という男、臣下しかも平民の分際で僭越であるということになるか。また、”only after it has become certain that the crown prince and his wife Crown Princess Masako will not have a male child”というのはつまり更年期を迎えた後ということですよね。こういうことが満天下に曝されてしまうというのは女性としては非常に辛いのではないかと思う。敢えて言えば、日本を捨てて、巴里か紐育に移住して、毎日パーティ三昧のセレブ生活を送ることをお勧めしたい。