

# sarutora 『「地域みまもりネットワーク」は、まったくの私の思いつきだったのですが、ひょっとして、と思ってググってみたら……やはり実在しました!石川県です。

 いずれにせよ、サルトルは、「集団」というのを何か固定的な「これこれこういうもの」として称揚しようとしていたというより、脱疎外(脱集列化)としての集団化の「運動」を肯定しようとしていたのではないか、と思います。』 (2006/04/14 00:11)

私がサルトルの「集列性」という概念に興味を持ったのは、Iris Marion YoungのIntersecting Voices: Dilemmas of Gender, Political Philosophy, and Policy, Princeton University Press, 1997という本を読んでからである。同書で「集列性(seriality)」が論じられているのは第1章の”Gender as Seriality: Thinking about Women as a Social Collective”。ここでの問題は、大まかに言えば、本質主義に陥ることなく(フェミニズムの目指す)女性の連帯は可能かということになる。Youngはserialityを肯定する方向で議論を進める――「女性」をサルトル言うところの”serial collectivity”として思考することによって、「女性」というカテゴリーを”a collective without identifying common attributes that all women have or implying that all women have a common identity”として理解することが可能になる(p.13)。”Gender as seriality (…)does not rely on identity or self-identity for understanding the social production and meaning of meaning of membership in collectives.”(p.22)だからである。
a series—“a collective whose members are unified passively by the relation their actions have to material objects and practico-inert histories”(p.27)

group—“the self-consciously mutually acknowledging collective with a self-conscious purpose”(p.23)
“Unlike a group, which forms around actively shared objectives, a series is a social collective whose memberships are unified passively by the objects their actions are oriented around and/or by the objectified results of the material effects of the actions of the others.”(ibid.)


“Since the series is not a concept but a more practical-material mode of the social construction of individuals, one need not think of it in terms of “genus” and “species,” but as vectors of action and meaning.”(p.36)

「集列としてのジェンダーについて考えること」のメリットは、”it disconnects gender from identity”(p.33)”the level of gender as series is a background to rather than constitutive of personal or group identity.”(p.30)ということである。つまり、”The gender structures are not defining attributes of individuals, but material social facts that individual must deal with and relate to.”(ibid.)

Like gender structures, class or race structures do not primarily name attributes of individuals or aspects of their identity, but practico-inert necessities that condition their lives and with which they must deal. Individuals may take up varying attitudes toward these structures, including forming a sense of class or racial identity and forming groups with others they identify with(p.31).

If these[gender, class, race etc.] are each forms of seriality, then they do not necessarily define the identity of individuals and do not necessarily name attributes they share with others. They are material structures arising from people’s historically congealed, institutionalized actions and expectations that position and limit individuals in determinate ways with which they must deal. An individual’s position in each of the series means that they have differing experiences and perceptions from those differently situated. But individuals can relate to these social positionings in different ways; the same person may relate to them n different ways in different social contexts or at different times in their lives(ibid.).

Each person’s identity is unique, the history and meaning she makes and develops from her dealing with other people, communicative interactions through media, and her manner of taking up the particular serialized structures whose prior history position her. No individual woman’s identity, then, will escape the markings of gender, but how gender marks her life is her own(p.33).
Youngによるサルトルというのは、サルトルのオリジナルからはやはり外れたものなのだろうか。ただ、私見によれば、サルトルはこのように使われることによって、アレントに近づくことができるのではないかとも思う*2。また、最近の「愛国心」を巡る議論に対しても、Youngによる改釈を経たJapanese as a seriesという思考は有効であると思うが、如何?
ところで、serialityをfamily resemblanceと結びつけて考えるというのはどう?

