
Alexandra Hudson
“Poets break the silence for Amsterdam's unmourned dead”*1

Frank Starik氏率いるアムステルダムの詩人グループは、” attending the funerals of the city's unmourned dead and remembering them at the graveside with a specially-composed poem”という実践を行っている。” Amsterdam social services bury some 250 people a year, about 15 of whom leave no trace of relatives or friends. In such cases, the poets are called in.”であると。ソーシャル・ワーカーのJeroen Ranzijn氏によれば、” Everyone in Amsterdam -- rich or poor -- should have a dignified funeral, with flowers, with coffee and some thoughts about their life.” また、Starik氏はこの実践の「政治的側面」を隠さない;

Starik acknowledges there is a political aspect to the work.

"Part of the hidden agenda of this is that we have a very right-wing government, who are against foreigners, Muslims, and who are trying to reconstruct a society we had 50 years ago."

"This is not such a nice, tolerant country any more."

For migrants or asylum-seekers who die alone, the funerals are a chance to give them back their humanity and to consider their individual hopes and experiences in a climate contriving to demonize them and view them as a single mass, Starik says.

Dutch society is still reeling from the murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a Dutch-Moroccan Islamist militant in 2004 which provoked an anti-Muslim backlash.

The murder of anti-immigration populist Pim Fortuyn in 2002 also saw mainstream political parties move to occupy his ground.

ただ、詩人たちは詩が手向けられる人々の具体的な生−記(bio-graphy)を知っているわけではない。さらには、「名前」さえ分からないこともある。” Starik believes that if you know too much about someone it becomes harder to compose.”というけれど、どうなんだろうか。詩を手向けられることによって、死者はたしかにその(過去完了形ではある)生を確証され・承認されはする。” More often than not, simply the circumstances of their passing are striking and tragic, and worth remembering aloud.”とあるが、whoとしてではなく、”striking and tragic”な死に様の事例として、確証され・承認されるのではないか。whoとしての生は救われることはないのではないか。