
 8月28日がゲーテのお誕生日であることに、cafeteria MLへの吉原さんのメイルで気づく。ゲーテの朗読コンテスト(独逸語でも日本語でも)が開かれて、東大の大学院生が優勝したとか。

 Jane Stevenson
"Jesuits revisited"


Five hundred years ago, England was beset by a problem of the enemy within. A significant sector of the population was perceived as dividing its loyalties between England and a foreign power while, even worse, there was known to be a small, aggressive group of undercover agents bent on the overthrow of the state.
500年前の"the enemy within"とは「カトリック」である。特に、その中でも"a militant and in some senses extremist subgroup within Catholicism"であった「イエズス会」−−"The Jesuits did not, of course, go in for suicide bombing (though they were widely believed to be poisoners); but they certainly denied the legitimacy of the English state and the right of Queen Elizabeth to her throne"。

Government reaction to the Jesuit mission was hysterical; and the media of the day, broadsheet ballads and news sheets, fanned the flames. A series of repressive measures were put in place to control English Catholics, and, vast efforts were made to identify, capture and execute Jesuits. But governmental persecution of ordinary Catholic priests, inevitably, politicised the mass of ordinary English Catholics, and forced them to think of themselves as more Catholic than English. The Jesuit hardliners started looking more attractive, as English Catholics were systematically disposessed, politically disempowered, and stripped of any stake in the English polity.

Greater numbers of idealistic young Englishmen slipped abroad to the Jesuit seminaries, which doubled up as schools, where they received an education which indoctrinated them with the Jesuit viewpoint. One result, which two generations of anti-Catholic legislation had done much to bring about, was the most notorious act of terrorism in English history, the gunpowder plot, in which a group of Catholic gentry, despairing of any kind of redress by means of ordinary political channels, attempted to blow up the king and the houses of parliament.
 イングランドにおけるカトリック迫害は19世紀まで続いた。かくして、今日ではカトリックは"the largest active faith community in the country"として居場所を確保している。ここから汲み取るべき教訓は"First that it is probably impossible for a government to control dissident clerics by purely legal means; second, that disempowering a faith community breeds despair, and despair breeds militancy."ということであるとStevenさんはいう−−"The integration of Catholics into British society suggests that it is possible for a country and its minorities to outlive mutual suspicion and hatred."





 8月28日夜、NHK(総合)で、サザンオールスターズのライヴをオン・エアしていた。Rock in Japan Festivalにおける演奏とそのためのリハーサル風景を交叉させながら構成したもの。何故か、番組のナレーションは英語(字幕スーパー)。これについては、〈英語帝国主義〉論者からのクレームがあったのかどうかは定かではないが、ただ可笑しかったのは、桑田さん、原さんを初めとしたメンバーへのインタヴューは全て日本語(当たり前かも知れないけど)。英語字幕スーパーもなし。演出としては、英語のスーパーを入れるとか或いはさらに通訳を登場させるとかというところまで徹底して欲しかった。 
