
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20050722で、森真一『日本はなぜ諍いの多い国になったのか 「マナー神経症」の時代』を取り上げたけれど、そこでは、〈荒れる成人式〉について、「専門家の見解」として、『産経新聞』に寄せられた蓮尾直美という教育社会学者の意見が引用されていた(pp.117-118)。それを読んで、その〈産経〉的というか〈新しい歴史教科書をつくる会〉的センスに一瞬唖然としてしまったという感動の経験を書き留めそこなってしまった*1


  John Berger*2
"The bloody outcome of two worlds at war"


On the day of the explosions, speaking from Gleneagles, Mr Blair declared that [terrorists] 'are trying to use the slaughter of innocent people to cow us, to frighten us out of doing the things that we want to do, trying to stop us going about our business'.
とブレアの発言を取り上げ、"Those who argue that al-Qaeda was active before the invasion of Iraq and that therefore fighting in Baghdad or Fallujah is irrelevant to the London bombings are arguing in bad faith."という。そのbad faithは、イラクの「存在しなかった大量破壊兵器」を存在すると言った「自己欺瞞」と同じである。そして、

The atrocities were planned to coincide with the G8 meeting which, this year, the British Prime Minister chaired. What happened at that meeting is not another story but another part of the same one.

In this context, it is not the Koran that should be studied but the behaviour of the richest countries and corporations in the world. Those corporations consistently wage their own 'jihad' against any target that opposes the maximisation of their profits. The war in Iraq was conveniently removed from this year's G8 agenda. The agreed priority was to reach some agreement about action in face of the disastrous overheating of the planet and Africa's poverty.

Before the meeting, voices from all over the world - economists, rock singers, ecologists, religious leaders - appealed, in the name of conscience and solidarity, for new, unprecedented decisions, for some change that might improve the planet's future chances. And what happened? After you've sorted through the rhetoric ... almost nothing. A little dance of statistics.


Fanaticism comes from any form of chosen blindness accompanying the pursuit of a single dogma. The G8's dogma is that the making of profit has to be mankind's guiding principle before which everything else from the traditional past or aspiring future must be sacrificed as illusion.

The so-called war against terrorism is, in fact, a war between two fanaticisms. To bracket the two together seems outrageous. One is theocratic, the other pos itivist and secular. One is the fervent belief of a defensive minority, the other the unquestioned assumption of an amorphous, confident elite. One sets out to kill, the other plunders, leaves and lets die. One is strict, the other lax. One brooks no argument, the other 'communicates' and tries to 'spin' into every corner of the world. One claims the right to spill innocent blood, the other the right to sell the entire earth's water. Outrageous to compare them!


   Jason Burke
   "The violence that lies in every ideology"*4

 Jason Burke氏によれば、7/7のテロの下手人はアメリカ若しくはイスラエルであるという「謀略理論」が中東や南西アジアの新聞を何度となく賑わせているという。こうした考え方の根っこの部分には「ある単純な言い逃れ」がある;

The unpleasant truth is that there are considerable elements within Islam that are very useful to violent militants. As a result, Islam is an integral part of the threat we now face. This is difficult for a non-Muslim to state, and leaves me open to accusations of Islamophobia, but is true. And it needs to be admitted and discussed, not swept under a carpet by a politically correct broom.

Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, but it is a religion of many other things, too. Compare the following two quotes from the Koran: 'There shall be no compulsion in religion' and: 'Slay the unbeliever ... wherever you find him.' Throughout its existence, Islam has evolved into a repository of a vast range of different resources, allowing its texts to be interpreted, sampled and deployed in myriad ways. When the Muslims were a persecuted minority in 7th-century Mecca, the stress lay on tolerance and pluralism.

When the Abbassid and Ummayad empires went to war a few centuries later, the more belligerent elements within the Koran provided justification for what were basically campaigns for land and booty. When Baghdad was conquered by the Mongols in 1258, Ibn Taimiya, a radical thinker often quoted by today's extremists, called on the world's Muslims to go 'back to basics' to restore their former strength.

The paradigm of Mohammed the prophet and his vastly outnumbered band of men triumphing over Evil has provided Muslims with succour and strength throughout the ages. This has particularly been the case when a powerful external threat has developed, such as when the West aggressively and violently conquered and colonised pretty much the entire Islamic world in the 19th and early 20th centuries.


They saw themselves not as British citizens but as defenders of a global Muslim community threatened by an aggressive and brutal foe. They felt themselves to be at war. Their enemy was the whole construct that is Western modernity, with all its power, temptations and confidence. Their victims were not civilians, but enemy combatants. Identity issues, frustration, anger, a sense of injustice, alienation ... all may have motivated the four bombers. But it was resources within Islam that underpinned their sense that their acts were justified.
ということになる。但し、他の宗教でも事情は変わらない。どれも皆、平和的且つ好戦的であり、寛容且つ不寛容なのである−−"Think of the muscular Christianity of imperialist, Victorian Britain (or, indeed, of contemporary America) or Hinduism's lunatic fringe. In Sri Lanka, even smiley, happy Buddhism has exacerbated one of the most vicious civil conflicts of our time."。80年代前半のレバノンでは、「自爆者の70%以上」は「基督教徒の世俗的グループ」出身だった。勿論、「世俗的宗教」、例えばマルクス主義も例外ではない;

The logic can be extended to secular religions. Marxism, which had as many prophets, dogmas, rituals and myths as any more traditional faith, provided a deterministic explanation for all the wrongs in the world and set out a clear and cogent programme of action for how to set it right. Radical Islam does something similar. When we analysed the leftist violence of the Seventies or Eighties, we neither parroted that Marxist thought was 'dedicated to the human happiness and peace', though it theoretically was, nor did we dismiss it as inherently evil and the product of a diseased civilisation or race. We recognised that within leftist thought, there were elements that, if deployed properly, facilitated violent action and, if committed to non-violent means, discussed how best to counter them.

The best thing non-Muslims can do is to avoid doing anything that makes the moderates' job harder, such as invading Muslim countries on what turn out to be completely spurious pretexts or making inflammatory Islamophobic comments. We also need to recognise the way our own faiths and ideologies can lead to violent action.

But Muslims need to recognise this as well. It needs to be said, loud and clear, that it was not the CIA or Mossad who brought down the Twin Towers and bombed the tube but Muslims. We need to be clear that, like any faith, Islam is a religion of peace - and sometimes of violence.







  MARATTI, Paola
Genesis and Trace: Derrida Reading Husserl and Heidegger
Translated by Simon Sparks
Stanford University Press, 2005



*2:John Bergerについては、取り敢えずhttp://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/John_Berger.htmとかhttp://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=380を参照されたい。

