

 最近、BBCRadio4のリスナー投票で、カール・マルクスが「最も偉大な哲学者」に選ばれたそうな。Francis Wheen"Why Marx is man of the moment"によれば、マルクスがリヴァイヴァルした理由は、先ず冷戦終結(東欧ブロック崩壊)後、(フランシス・フクヤマなどの断言に反して)「歴史」が終わらなかったことにあるという;

What we are witnessing,' Francis Fukuyama proclaimed at the end of the Cold War, 'is not just the ... passing of a particular period of postwar history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind's ideological evolution.'

But history soon returned with a vengeance. By August 1998, economic meltdown in Russia, currency collapses in Asia and market panic around the world prompted the Financial Times to wonder if we had moved 'from the triumph of global capitalism to its crisis in barely a decade'. The article was headlined 'Das Kapital Revisited'.

 Francis Wheen氏は、ジョージ・ソロス、或いはニューヨークの投資銀行家の〈マルクス礼賛〉を引くのだが、さらに、

Quoting the famous slogan coined by James Carville for Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in 1992 ('It's the economy, stupid'), Cassidy pointed out that 'Marx's own term for this theory was "the materialist conception of history", and it is now so widely accepted that analysts of all political views use it, like Carville, without any attribution.'

Like Moliere's bourgeois gentleman who discovered to his amazement that for more than 40 years he had been speaking prose without knowing it, much of the Western bourgeoisie absorbed Marx's ideas without ever noticing.

また、経済ジャーナリストのJohn MicklethwaitとAdrian Wooldridgeは、マルクスをグローバライゼーションの「預言者」として讃えている。

The bourgeoisie has not died. But nor has Marx: his errors or unfulfilled prophecies about capitalism are eclipsed and transcended by the piercing accuracy with which he revealed the nature of the beast. 'Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones,' he wrote in The Communist Manifesto.

The result of this week's BBC poll suggests that Marx's portrayal of the forces that govern our lives - and of the instability, alienation and exploitation they produce - still resonates, and can still bring the world into focus. Far from being buried under the rubble of the Berlin Wall, he may only now be emerging in his true significance. For all the anguished, uncomprehending howls from the right-wing press, Karl Marx could yet become the most influential thinker of the 21st century.

  Gaby Wood
"His eyes have seen the glory..."

 先ず冒頭の"the world's most famous living cinematographer"という形容だけれども、これはちょっと大袈裟だという感じがした。ともかく、

Doyle is an auteur for the 21st century, one of the few cinematographers in the history of the movies who is better known than many of the directors he works with. He is a pioneer of Asian cinema, with which mainstream Hollywood is now obsessed, and has become such a superstar in the trade that major films are now financed on the back of his involvement alone. Doyle shot cult films Chungking Express and In the Mood for Love; he can build a story full of mystery, drama or suffocated emotion out of a handful of images, while his still photos are collected by art lovers and fashionistas the world over.

He is known for his perfectionism and eccentricity. A single love scene in Days of Being Wild, the first of seven films he has made with Hong Kong director Wong Kar-Wai, was completed after 53 takes. Their last film together, 2046, took five years to make. For Zhang Yimou's Hero, Doyle insisted on filming a certain kind of tree that only blossoms in Mongolia for 10 days a year. He shot Gus Van Sant's frame-for-frame colour remake of Psycho without having seen Hitchcock's original, and on Chen Kaige's Temptress Moon he drank a bottle and half of whisky a day


In my world,' he asserts, 'talent is an insult. If you say, "Where is the talent?", you mean "Where is the stupid bitch?"' It's perhaps not surprising that when I ask Doyle to teach me a few words of Chinese, the number one most useful phrase he comes up with is: 'You stupid cunt.' He seems offended that I have no plans to use it. 'It's a term of endearment,' he insists.

Doyle has always loved Asia; he read Japanese literature as a child. He loves the indirectness of Chinese, the fact that 'yes' means 'maybe', as he puts it, and that the colour green could be blue, black or green. It's clear this has affected his work: he thinks of colour the way it's thought of in Chinese medicine - 'like in alchemy, colour is associated with some element' - and believes that 'colour has an emotional rhetoric'. He has nothing but contempt for the conventions such as blue light to designate moonlight. 'Is there any blue light on this street?' he asks. 'Yeah, it's coming from the cop's car. You look up at night in this city; it's all orange because of the incandescent lighting. That's why you can't see the stars. You ever been to Venice? The moonlight is green because it's reflected off the canal.'

It has been suspected that the tortuous five-year shoot of 2046 marked the end of Doyle's collaboration with Wong Kar-Wai. 'How many five years do I have left?' Doyle confirms, exasperated. 'Honestly, that's a big part of it. I think the problem for me is that there are people I care about who are film-makers, and I'm constantly turning down films in the name of this out-of-control, unmitigated situation. The journey has been wonderful, but there are other great, great friends of mine who've been waiting for me.' He seems relieved. 'It feels like... it's like a hairball in a dog's stomach.'

 7月20日、森真一『日本はなぜ諍いの多い国になったのか 「マナー神経症」の時代』(中公新書ラクレ)を読了する。






*5:奥田英朗「ララピポ−−a lot of people−−玉木小百合(28歳)の場合」『ポンツーン』83に出てくる「高橋」とか。