

  Tristram Hunt
"Conscription of the past"

 歴史がナショナリズム絡みで問題になっているのは、Hunt氏のエッセイを読む限りでは、世界的ともいえる傾向であるらしい。最近の英国総選挙において、野党保守党の「影の教育大臣」 Tim Collins氏は、「英国国民(the British nation)のサヴァイヴァル」が「我々の共有された遺産や我々の自由を保証した国内外の闘争の本性」の理解にかかっていると歴史教育の改革を訴えた。東アジアで〈歴史〉が問題化しているのとまさに同時的に。また、印度でも;

Meanwhile, in India, schools and universities were just emerging from five years of equally virulent historical propaganda. From the moment of its election in 1999, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) had attempted a wholesale "saffronisation" of the country's past. For a political movement which had connived at the Gujarat massacres saw little wrong in removing credible scholarship from the teaching of history. Armed thugs attacked university lecturers, prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee warned foreign authors not "to play with our national pride", and references to India's multi-ethnic, multireligious past were systematically excised from school curriculums. On its return to power in 2004, one of the first acts of the Congress party was to sack the official in charge of the BJP's textbooks.
また、仏蘭西でも−−" In France teachers and academics are currently up in arms at a ruling passed in February which dictated that the school curriculum should recognise "the positive role of the French overseas presence, notably in north Africa"."。
 Hunt氏によれば、Colloins氏の提案は、"a rejection of the pluralist tradition in British history teaching"である。また、こうしたアイディアの起源はアメリカ合衆国にあるのだと。

For in US classrooms a highly prescriptive syllabus, of the type Collins proposed, offers students an uncritical, uplifting story of the triumph of American liberty. Citizenship and history are seamlessly meshed into a simple-minded morality play designed to nurture blind patriotism. The textbook titles tend to give the game away: The American Way, Land of Promise, Rise of the American Nation, and The Challenge of Freedom are among the more subtle choices. And, as James W Loewen has pointed out, the consequence of this unerringly patriotic tale of US heroes and epochs is that African-American, Native-American and Latino students all tend to perform exceptionally poorly at high-school history.
 Hunt氏の主旨は基本的に"the pluralist tradition in British history teaching"を擁護することにあるわけだが、その伝統は「ソヴィエト以降のヨーロッパ」という文脈においても有効だとする;

The Council of Europe is currently nurturing history teaching in post-Soviet and eastern European nations. In countries where nationalism and ethnic strife is ever present, the developing British tradition of non-prescriptive, critical enquiry is regarded as especially valuable. For the terrible consequences of state-sanctioned national narratives - with their attendant myths of victimhood, ethnic cohesion or divine mission - were there for all to see on the streets of Srebrenica.
state-sanctioned national narrativesへの回帰ではなく、あくまでも、

But before we return to King Alfred, Lord Clive and Horatio Nelson we should remember that the teaching of drum-and-trumpet stories of Britain's past changed for a reason. We are no longer the mono-ethnic, male-dominated, hierarchical world of 50 years ago. As society changes, so does its relationship with the past. Whitehall-woven grand narratives of our struggle for freedom will neither engage more students in the studying of history nor serve our public sphere well.
 ところで、歴史についてのエッセイということだと、同じくHunt氏の"Whose story?"が19日の『オブザーヴァー』に掲載されている。TVなどによって発信される通俗的歴史による歴史の歪曲というテーマなのだけど、Hunt氏がその背景として指摘するのは、1980年代英国における" tradition of engaged social history"ということである。皮肉なことだけど、私などはその80年代にホブズボームとかトムソンといった英国の社会史家たちの作品を、〈新しい歴史〉として、仏蘭西アナール派と同時的に嬉々として受容していた。







 寝台はかりそめの空 性愛のダッチロールに墜ちてゆくべし
