

Associated Pressの記事; H&M opens shop in pricey Japan amid downturn Saturday 13th September, 05:44 AM JST TOKYO — H&M is arriving in Japan, seeking to woo a nation of notoriously finicky luxury-lovers with the same cheap prices that have…


人権と国家 ―世界の本質をめぐる考察 (集英社新書)作者: スラヴォイ・ジジェク,岡崎玲子出版社/メーカー: 集英社発売日: 2006/11/17メディア: 新書購入: 4人 クリック: 136回この商品を含むブログ (48件) を見るhttp://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080912/122…

Nation as property

Roger Crisp “National Borders” http://www.practicalethicsnews.com/practicalethics/2008/09/national-border.html 国民/外国人の区別(差別)をジョン・ロック的な意味での財産権として見る視点。しかし、財産権を倫理的に正当化することは困難である;…

Another 9/11

Hassan Akram “Lesson for the Left from Chile to Britain” http://www.opendemocracy.net/article/no/lesson-for-the-left-from-chile-to-britainから; September 11th marked a horrific terrorist outrage. In the English speaking world people think…

David Foster Wallace

NYTの記事; September 14, 2008 Postmodern Writer Is Found Dead at Home By TIMOTHY WILLIAMS David Foster Wallace, whose darkly ironic novels, essays and short stories garnered him a large following and made him one of the most influential w…