
Andre Gorz

AFPの記事; French philosopher commits suicide with wife Mon Sep 24, 3:41 PM ET French philosopher Andre Gorz, 84, co-founder of the Nouvel Observateur weekly, has committed suicide together with his wife Dorine, relatives told AFP on Mond…


承前*1Min LEE “Sexy spy film not for the US—Ang Lee” Shanghai Daily 24 September 2007 李安、新作の『色、戒(Lust Caution)』について香港にて語る; Its pace, its film language—it’s all very Chinese. I also used Western film noir. It’s a new…


Fashion chain Zara withdraws swastika handbag Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:57am ET MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish fashion chain Zara has withdrawn a handbag from its stores after a customer in Britain complained swastikas were embroidered on it.Zara, o…